
Is It Just Me, or is Parenting Harder Now?

7:00 pm

July 17, 2024AdultSpecial Events
This event is hosted by Montreat Conference Center

Sure, there was the pandemic, and yes, there are cultural changes (like technology, social media, and more), but it sure seems like parenting children and teens has gotten more complicated just in the last 30 minutes or 30 months. Perhaps it’s the last 30 years. At any rate, the challenges of parenting continue to change.

We think it’s past time to pull up chairs and talk about what we face as people who care about children and youth. We have developed a summer series for parent on “hot topics” that parents are confronting today.

These mini-workshops will be held twice this summer. Registration is not necessary. Events are free of charge.

Join us in Thompson Brown Meeting Room at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, July 17 for the second. 


Workshop Topics

“Calm Parenting in Anxious Times” - June 20th

These are tough times for parents. We want to raise caring, compassionate, and resilient children -- but how to do that in a world that keeps throwing anxiety and stress at us and our children at every turn? We'll talk together about why some aspects of parenting seem super tough right now and what we can do to stay grounded in calm, hope-filled modes of parenting in these troubled, anxious times.

Led by Joyce Ann Mercer

"A Blessed Treasure Hunt: Finding Hope in Ourselves and Our Children in a Fear and Shame-Driven World" - July 17th

Who knew being created in God's image prepared us for parenting?  Come get tools for unlocking our God-given parts for the sacred job of parenting.

Led by David Bradley

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