Welcome to Montreat Conference Center. Feel free to utilize any of the resources below, including official statements and photos representing the conference center.
If you are a member of the media and are looking for access to events or additional information about Montreat Conference Center, please contact Tanner Pickett, Vice President for Sales, Marketing, and Communications at tannerp@montreat.org or 828.419.9808.
140 Characters: Montreat Conference Center in Western NC is a national conference center with roots in the PC(USA). More at www.montreat.org.
Abbreviated Statement: Montreat Conference Center is a private, non-profit, national conference center with roots in the PC(USA). The conference center often is referred to simply as “Montreat” by the more than 30,000 guests, conferees, and cottagers who pass through the Gate each year. While we are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we also readily welcome groups and individuals outside the Presbyterian church to experience Montreat. Find out more at www.montreat.org.
Full Statement: Montreat Conference Center is a private, non-profit, national conference center with roots in the PC(USA). The conference center often is referred to simply as “Montreat” by the more than 30,000 guests, conferees, and cottagers who pass through the Gate each year. While we are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we also readily welcome groups and individuals outside the Presbyterian church to experience Montreat.
Nestled in the mountains of Western North Carolina, Montreat has served as a place of spiritual retreat for over 120 years. Each year the conference center hosts dozens of programmed events, hundreds of retreats and conferences, and hosts thousands who seek renewal and rest. We welcome visitors of all races, faiths, and orientation. All are welcome here. Find out more at www.montreat.org.
Montreat Conference Center: We are Montreat Conference Center. You may sometimes hear us referred to as the “Mountain Retreat Association,” our corporate/legal name (and the origin of the word “Montreat.”) The conference center often is referred to simply as “Montreat” by the more than 30,000 guests, conferees, and cottagers who pass through the Gate each year. Montreat Conference Center is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), though we also readily welcome groups and individuals outside the Presbyterian church to experience Montreat.
Spaces Associated with the Conference Center: Any building, lodge, or outdoor space with a green sign is owned and operated/maintained by Montreat Conference Center. This includes, but is not limited to, the Montreat Gate & Welcome Center, Lake Susan, the Montreat Campground, over 2,500 acres of protected wilderness, over 30 miles of trails, Robert Lake Park, the tennis courts, Currie Craft Center and Sally Jones Pottery, the pool, the Barn, Assembly Inn, Anderson Auditorium, and over 20 other buildings.
For a longer explanation on how the three official entities coexist in this small mountain cove, visit our FAQ blog post!
Town of Montreat: The North Carolina General Assembly established the Town of Montreat, North Carolina, as a township in 1967, and Mountain Retreat Association gave up its municipal authority at that time. The Town has a mayor, a board of commissioners, and a staff responsible for the provision of essential services in Montreat, including water and sewer, roads, and public safety. Find out more at www.townofmontreat.org.
Montreat College: Montreat College is a private Christian college located in the town of Montreat. Formerly known as the Montreat Normal School and Montreat-Anderson College, the college separated from Mountain Retreat Association and became a stand-alone institution in 1974. Today, Montreat College is an entirely distinct institution. The college and conference center have been separately governed for more than 40 years. Find out more at www.montreat.edu.
Media Policy: montreat.org/rules
Montreat Map: Download the Map of Montreat Conference Center. Maps are also available at the Montreat Store or the front desk of Assembly Inn.