The third of a three-part series of annual retreats led by the Celtic teacher John Philip Newell and his colleague Cami Twilling in which we explore the sacredness of the imagination, the sacredness of compassion, and the sacredness of reshaping the world. This retreat is part of Earth & Soul’s Celtic initiative of study and spiritual practice with the aim of further enabling compassionate action in our lives and world. It can be taken as a stand-alone retreat or in conjunction with Celtic Wisdom 1 and Celtic Wisdom 2 which can be attended in any order and at any of our retreat centers across the country.
The teachings of this retreat are based on John Philip’s award-winning book Sacred Earth Sacred Soul (chapters 5, 8, and 9).
Sacred Earth Sacred Soul – Celtic Wisdom 3 focuses on reawakening to the sacredness of the human imagination and prophetic vision through the teachings of Alexander John Scott, George MacLeod, and Kenneth White.
The essential text for the three-year program is John Philip Newell’s Sacred Earth Sacred Soul. The shared prayer book for this program is Sounds of the Eternal: A Celtic Psalter.