
Wee Kirk Conference 2024

Emmanuel Living!

October 21–23, 2024AdultContinuing EducationWorship
A Montreat Conference Center event
This event has been postponed. If you are registered for this event, we are working to process refunds as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.

The Wee Kirk conference aspires to provide Christ-centered opportunities for inspiration, encouragement, and community among leaders of small membership churches so they can do the same in their congregations and regions.

Emmanuel Living!

Jesus said, “Those who love me will keep my word,  and my Father will love them,  and we will come to them and make our home with them.” (John 14:23)

“Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly; your vindicator shall go before you; the glory of the Lord  shall be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 58:8)

Imagine your heart, your home, your church and your community being “God’s Neighborhood” in which everyone…  

  • hears the Mr. Roger’s call from God, “Won’t you please be my neighbor?” 
  • is welcomed with open arms, open hearts, and open tables. 
  • greeted with the love of Christ and a “Howdy, Neighbor!” 

Imagine the dawning, healing, and peace in your own heart, your own home, your own church, and your own neighborhood as EMMANUEL — God with us – truly comes and makes a home right where you are. 

Imagine how you can be blessed by sharing hospitality in all its forms as you learn “EMMANUEL LIVING!”



Barnabas Track | The Pastor in a Secular Age (begins Sunday after dinner), Led by Rev. Dr. Andrew Root

Being a pastor is no easy task in our time.  Institutions are weaker, budgets are in decline, people are uninterested, and commitment is wavering.  But these are only symptoms of a bigger issue.  In our time together, we will seek to peer beneath the symptoms and explore why many pastors find themselves in an identity crisis.  The presentation examines what living in a secular age does to pastoral identity and how pastors can find new footing within it.  We will explore topics like: Why are They Leaving? Misdiagnosing Our Challenges in a Secular Age, Ministry Inside the Immanent Frame, The Task of Speaking of God in a Secular Age, and Families, the Good Life, the Need for a Story, Or Why Everything Else is More Important than Church.  

Biblical Track | Reclaiming the Book of Revelation for Worship and Faith (Begins Monday at 3 pm), Led by Dr. Christopher Holmes 

There are two broad approaches to Revelation among many Christians: fanatic obsession and intentional neglect. Some read everything—contemporary events, the election of political leaders, and the whole of Scripture—through a lens based in part on Revelation. Others pretend like Revelation is not even in the canon. But Revelation is a book for the Church. It can be a vital resource for worship and faith. This year’s biblical track will explore some of the most important themes in Revelation and wrestle with some of its most perplexing parts in the hopes that pastors will feel more confident preaching and teaching on this important writing.

Creative Worship Track | Exploring Worship that's Welcoming! (begins Monday at 3 pm), Led by Rev. Burns Stanfield

Rev. Burns Stanfield will facilitate an exploration of worship as a way to engage hearts, build community, and practice faithful living. Two of our key tools for the workshop: stories and music.  Drawing on personal and biblical stories, participants will learn about breathing new life into traditional liturgy and return to their congregations with creative ideas for crafting worship that is welcoming for all. We will explore music, liturgy, and testimony. With his unique gift for creating space for “all God’s people in the choir," Burns will help us draw on the God-given talents assembled in our workshop community.

Leadership Track (begins Monday 9 am and a Sunday night arrival is suggested)  |  Making Room at the Table, Led by Rev. Dr. George B. Thompson Jr. and Rev. Dr. Beverly A. Thompson 

This year’s Wee Kirk focus, “Emmanuel Living,” encourages us to imagine what being “God’s Neighborhood” might look like. How can the natural strengths and gifts of a smaller-membership congregation be utilized to become a welcoming, caring presence in God’s neighborhood? This track will help participants learn to listen deeply, as they identify and practice ways to extend hospitality and generosity to those outside the walls of their congregations.

Mission Track  |  Missional Hospitality, Led by Rev. Herb Codington, Rev. Ray Jones, Lewis and Elsbeth Codington, and Elizabeth Codington, RN

The importance of the biblical practice of hospitality is being rediscovered in our day. The New Testament word literally means "loving the stranger" which gives us its missional component. Noted author and Christian leader Henri Nouwen has said, "If there is any concept worth restoring to its original depth and evocative potential, it is the concept of hospitality. It is one of the richest biblical terms that can deepen and broaden our insight in our relationships to our fellow human beings." We will have several missionaries who have served in other cultures help us unpack this rich biblical concept.

Spiritual Formation Track | Nine Spiritual Styles: Understanding and Caring for God-Given Diversity (begins Monday 9 am and a Sunday night arrival is suggested), Led by Rev. Dr. Martha Friz Langer and the Rev. Dr. Mark Friz

Being created in the image of God, each of us is longing to connect with God in a way which is natural, balanced and fulfilling.  Just as we each have our food, music, and other entertainment preferences, we each have a natural, God-given "antenna" by which we most easily tune into God.

Surprisingly, most of us are clueless to our own style of spirituality, much less the style of those around us.  We tend to find ourselves "tuned" into whatever is being offered by our local church or denomination, and never even consider the possibility of being able to receive and express our faith according to our God-Given style.  In addition, most local churches continue traditions and styles which may or may not be understanding or caring for their congregational needs.

In this track, we will explore the Nine Spiritual Styles identified by Christian Schwarz in his book The 3 Colors of Your Spirituality.  We will then experience spiritual practices which minister and care for each style.  We hope this track will expand the understanding of congregational leaders in identifying the differing spiritual styles within their congregations, and then provide a more inclusive and balanced expression of ways within worship and programming to connect with God.

Retreat Track

Many people come to Montreat’s Wee Kirk Conference simply to enjoy the fellowship of other believers in the beauty of Montreat. To encourage this, we have created a special “retreat track” that includes all the worship and plenary presentations with abundant time for prayer, recreation, fellowship, and spiritual renewal.

Rates & Registration

Full or partial scholarships are available. For more information on available scholarships and to fill out an application, please visit this page.
Conference Fees
Congregation Size Per Person Cost Couple Cost
Fewer than 100 $200* $225*
100 and greater $380 $405*

*A maximum of 6 persons, including clergy and spouse, from any one congregation may attend at the reduced rates. Additional persons will pay $380 each.

*The Spiritual Formation track and the Leadership Track are an additional $100 per couple or $50 for an individual if you choose to begin your stay at the Inn on Sunday night. This amount also includes meals for breakfast and lunch on Monday. Dinner on Sunday is not included with this option but may be added for $16. If you plan to arrive at 9 am Monday morning, there is no additional charge, but you will not be able to check into your room until 3 pm on Monday. Note: apply for a scholarship if this presents a financial difficulty for you.

Barnabas Track Additional Fees

The Barnabas Track begins on Sunday afternoon, and includes a Sunday night stay, Sunday dinner, and Monday breakfast and lunch.  It an additional fee on top of the main conference registration fee:

Attendee Above fee + $75
Couple Above fee + $120

The additional charges (for Sunday arrivals) will be added when our registrar processes your registration. Be sure to indicate your arrival date.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations may be made at any time up until the Friday prior to the conference. A full refund will be issued for cancellations received by September 20, 2024.  After that, 50% refunds will be issued if cancellation is made before October 18, 2024.  No refunds after October 18, 2024.


Questions about registration? Email the registrar, Sarah Akin at saraha@montreat.org.


All Schedules are tentative and subject to change.

Schedule for Barnabas Track*

*William Black Lodge (Chapel and dining room except where noted)

Sunday, October 20
4:00-5:30 pm Registration
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-9:00 pm Worship/Session 1
Monday, October 21
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00-11:00 am Session 2
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-2:00 pm Session 3
2:00-5:30 pm Free Time
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:15pm Worship/Plenary 1 | Convocation Hall
8:15-9:30 pm Hymn Sing & Fellowship | Assembly Inn Lobby
9:30-10:00 pm Evening Prayers
Tuesday, October 22
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00-11:00 am Session 4
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-2:00 pm Session 5
2:00-5:30 pm Free Time
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:15 pm Worship/Plenary 2 | Convocation Hall
8:15-9:30 pm Fellowship
9:30-10:00 pm Evening Prayers
Wednesday, October 23
7:30–8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00-10:00 am Session 6
10:00-10:45 am Break & Check-out
10:45 am-12:00 pm Worship/Communion | Convocation Hall
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch & Departure
Schedules for Leadership and Spiritual Formation Tracks
Monday, October 21
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast
9:00-11:45 am Session 1
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-2:00 pm Session 2
2:00-3:00 pm Registration
3:00 pm Room Check-In - unless you came Sunday (an additional cost)
4:00-5:00 pm Session 3
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:15 pm Worship/Plenary 1
8:15-9:30 pm Hymn Sing & Fellowship
9:30-10:00 pm Evening Prayers
Tuesday, October 22
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00-10:15 am Session 4
10:15-10:45 am Break
10:45-11:45 am Session 5
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-4:00 pm Free Time
4:00-5:15 pm Session 6
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:15 pm Worship/Plenary 2
8:15-9:30 pm Fellowship
9:30-10:00 pm Evening Prayers
Wednesday, October 23
7:30–8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00-10:00 am Session 7
10:00-10:45 am Break & Check-out
10:45 am-11:45 pm Worship/Communion
11:30-1:00 pm Lunch & Departure
Schedules for the Creative Worship, Mission, and Biblical Tracks
Monday, October 21
1:00-3:00 pm Conference Registration
3:00 pm Assembly Room Check-In
3:00-5:15 pm Session 1
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:15 pm Worship/Plenary 1
8:15-9:30 pm Hymn Sing & Fellowship
9:30-10:00 pm Evening Prayers
Tuesday, October 22
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00-10:15 am Session 2
10:15-10:45 am Break
10:45-11:45 am Session 3
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-2:00 pm Session 4
2:00-5:30 pm Free Time
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:15 pm Worship/Plenary 2
8:15-9:30 pm Fellowship
9:30-10:00 pm Evening Prayers
Wednesday, October 23
7:30–8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00-10:00 am Session 5
10:15-10:45 am Break & Check-out
10:45 am-11:45 pm Worship/Communion
11:30-1:00 pm Lunch & Departure
Schedule for Retreat Track
Monday, October 21
1:00-3:00 pm Conference Registration
3:00 pm Assembly Room Check-In
3:00-5:15 pm Free Time
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:15 pm Worship/Plenary 1
8:15-9:30 pm Hymn Sing & Fellowship
9:30-10:00 pm Evening Prayers
Tuesday, October 22
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00 am-12:00 pm Free Time
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-5:30 pm Free Time
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner
7:00-8:15 pm Worship/Plenary 2
8:15-9:30 pm Fellowship
9:30-10:00 pm Evening Prayers
Wednesday, October 23
7:30–8:30 am Breakfast
8:15-8:45 am Morning Prayers
9:00-10:00 am Free Time
10:15-10:45 am Break
10:45 am-11:45 pm Worship/Communion
11:30-1:00 pm Lunch & Departure

Planning Team Members

  • Tracy Taylor Bailey, Montreat, NC
  • Herb Codington, Clinton, SC
  • Blake Daniel, Sylva, NC
  • Martha Friz-Langer, Huntingburg, IN
  • Tee Gatewood, Boone, NC
  • Kate Harper, Mebane, NC
  • Audrey Reese, Westminster, SC

© 2024 Montreat Conference Center