2025 Fall Craft Week

A Kaleidoscope of Art!

September 21–26, 2025AdultContinuing Education
A Montreat Conference Center Event

Come gain proficiency in an art form of your choice, and enjoy the community of other artists during a fall week in the mountains. This is a great opportunity for individuals or groups. Bring a group from your church, community, family, or come alone. We can help you figure out the details!

Years ago M. C. Richards, renowned potter, came to Black Mountain College to teach poetry but ended up a potter the moment her hands touched clay. In her book Centering she defines the word craft as “…Craft, as you may know, comes from the German word Kraft, meaning power or strength. We can’t fake craft. It lies in the act.”¹ The Arts and Crafts Movement, which found real fruition in these mountains during the last century, had already introduced the idea of “craft” into an increasingly industrialized culture. Using our hands to create beauty in community is lifegiving!

Fall Craft Week is our quest to bring people together in the embrace of these beautiful mountains as a community of artists, working with our hands with natural materials, led by skilled leaders, offering plenty of time in well-equipped studios. During this conference we will learn so much about ourselves and each other through the power of craft. Join us as we explore our creative, artistic spirits through writing, pottery, jewelry, fabric arts, woodworking, drawing, felting, plein air watercolor painting, photography, copper enameling, and stained glass!

We never want cost to interfere with your plans to register and are eager to offer scholarship assistance to you. The scholarship application is provided on the registration site. We have lots of housing ideas to get you here. Think about coming with a group of friends, with your church, or with your community of favorite artists! Sign up for meals in our Galax Dining Room must be made at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the conference.

Mark your calendars now, and plan to join this community of artists in the creation of beauty and craft. See more details below, including class offerings, instructors, registration, accommodations, and daily schedule. Fall Craft week is an excellent continuing education opportunity, as well.

¹ M.C. Richards, Centering in Pottery, Poetry and the Person (Wesleyan University Press: Middleton, Connecticut, 1969) p. 12.


Class Offerings

Please choose one class for the entire week. Any materials fees for your class are in addition to the conference fee.* We assign classes on a first-come, first-served basis. We reserve the right to cancel a class based on projected attendance. Register early to ensure a place in your class!

*Materials fees are nonrefundable if cancelling within two weeks of the conference. 

Looking Further with Photography– Joye Ardyn Durham

In this exciting fall craft photography class, you will learn unique techniques to take back home with you and share with others. We will learn about our cameras as well as the art of photography and how to compose your photograph in order to make all your friends jealous. We will record the week through images not only for ourselves but for the entire conference attendees to view. There are many natural places to explore in Western North Carolina and we plan to do just that. With cameras in hand and your newly acquired skills, we will explore great places like waterfalls, mountain sunrise or sunset, and do some light painting to boot.

Join us along with our ace, multi-exposure expert photographer, Mark Johnson, and long time, dog loving, photographer-teacher, Joye Ardyn Durham. You won’t be sorry and you’ll have the proof to hang on the wall.

Class limit: 12
Materials fee: $20

Mountain Landscapes in Felt and 3-D Felted Objects and Animals – Rachel Nicholson

Come join us as we explore the many ways to make handmade felt. We will be doing beautiful and colorful landscapes, exciting vessels that can be functional or decorative, as well as felt jewelry that is colorful, soft, and very lightweight. Your projects will be beautiful, unique, and you will be explaining to everyone you meet how they were made.


Class limit: 10
Materials fee: $45

Clay, Wheel, and Hand – Becky Garrity and Nat Scott

The waitlist for this class is FULL, but we’d love to have you join us this year for your second-choice class! If you participate this year, you’ll have access to early registration for Fall Craft Week 2026, which means you’ll have a better chance of securing your spot in Clay next year.

With two professional potters at the helm, come make the studio your own! Flow with the clay. Delve into the world of clay. Grow your clay skills. Or the tried and true: The joy of clay; open up with clay. Consider surface and form to create beauty! Create and grow with clay. 

Class limit: 16
Materials fee: $60

Jewelry Metalsmithing Basics – Deb Guess

CLASS IS FULL. To be placed on a waiting list, please email our registrar at justinkp@montreat.org.

This class will teach skills in designing, cutting, texturing, connecting, and finishing jewelry pieces.  Working primarily in copper and brass, participants will use a wide variety of tools and techniques to create one-of-a-kind wearable art pieces.  The class is designed to introduce beginners to metalsmithing basics, but more experienced students can tackle more challenging projects.  This year's class will include working with stacking rings and u-shaped ring shanks, experimenting with various patina finishes, and using hinges to design moveable components.  All supplies and tools will be provided.   

Class limit: 10
Materials fee: $60

Creating with Stained Glass – Roger Maness, Brian Maness, and Jeff McCarthy

CLASS IS FULL. To be placed on a waiting list, please email our registrar at justinkp@montreat.org.

Whether learning the basics or improving your skills, join us to build your own stained-glass creations. All materials (including glass) and tools will be provided. You will leave with beautiful, finished work that you can go right home and hang up on the wall!

Class limit: 16
Materials fee: $70

Felt, Flowers, and Fire – Leslie McCarthy

CLASS IS FULL. To be placed on a waiting list, please email our registrar at justinkp@montreat.org.

Start your treasure hunt!! Bring an old picture or mirror frame (with an opening no bigger than 24" x 24"  unless you have instructor approval) and we will turn it into a one of a kind piece of fiber art! We will spend the week manipulating wool fabric into 3-D flowers. We will make beautiful embroidery floss Yorkshire buttons for the centers... and yes, we will also make centers from fire torched enamel beads if you so desire. Don't want a wall piece? Join others as they make flower and leaf garlands or whatever else you may come up with!! Feel free to contact me on frame sizes. Come join the fun!
All materials including wool, beads, wire floss, felt balls and button kits included.

Class limit: 12
Materials fee: $60

Working with Wood: Personalized Walking Sticks - Carlisle Willard

The class will focus on creating a personalized walking stick for your enjoyment on the Montreat trails. Your hiking stick will reflect your personal interests as the carver. Tools and materials are provided, but participants may feel free to bring their own knives or sticks. The class will help participants prepare their stick, design and carve a personalized symbol, and finish the work to create a unique piece of personal art.

Class limit: 5
Materials fee: $35

Wood Carving Kitchenware, Critters, Folk Figures, and More Frank Boyd

Not only are spoons, butter knives, & scoops useful to have around the kitchen, but they also make wonderful gifts and are surprisingly easy to carve. Come and experience the simple pleasure of handcrafting items for cooking and serving food. Participants will also have a variety of other carving projects to choose from such as animals, nature ornaments for the tree or shelf, and delightful dancing dolls. This class welcomes all skill levels, beginner to advanced. Special emphasis will be given to carving safety, tool selection, resources, food-safe finishes, and basic sharpening techniques.

Minimum age is 14.

Bring a water bottle, a pencil, something to write on, any carving tools you already own (put your name on them). Please bring closed toed shoes to wear in class for safety. Wood, tools, and all necessary supplies will be provided by the instructor.

Class limit: 12
Materials Fee: $35

En Plein Air Watercolor Painting - Virginia (“Ginny”) Sorsby Fergus:

Come and paint the beautiful fall mountains en plein air (outside!) and in the studio. Sharpen your technical skills as you learn the basics of how to begin, work on, and complete watercolor paintings. All materials are provided, although you are welcome to bring your own materials that you are used to, as well. 

Class limit: 10
Materials fee: $45

Writing for the Soul – Julie Hester

The poet Mary Oliver wrote that when we “…patch a few words together” we might open “...a doorway into thanks, and a silence in which another voice may speak.” Come patch some words together in company with others as we explore writing for the soul. With inspiration and prompts from poetry, images, objects, and more, we will mine our memories and free our imaginations. We'll pay attention to our words, to God, and to one another as we play and pray on the page. You might end up with journal-like or devotional pieces, poems, the start of creative non-fiction essays, or scenes for the characters who live in your head. Come ready to write a lot, and to read and share your words if you choose with a group of supportive and generous listeners. Whether you are new to writing, or are a veteran of writing workshops, you are welcome!

Class limit: 15
No materials fee

Silk Painting – Grace Evans

With silk painting everyone is an artist! This is an ideal art form for beginner and experienced artists alike.  In this class, you will explore techniques like watercolor painting, including using resists to create intricate patterns on silk fabric. We will be blending vibrant dyes for breathtaking effects while working with the unique properties of silk fabric. With silk painting skills, you will be able to leave Montreat knowing how to create a wearable masterpiece, as well as how to create diptych or triptych banners and decorative pieces for display in your home or church.

(Students will need a hair dryer and apron.)

Class limit: 10
Materials Fee: $70

Drawing: TBA

Explore foundational skills and creative techniques to bring your sketches to life. Our focus will be portrait drawing, and all things connected to that. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or picking up a pencil for the first time, this class will help you develop confidence and skill in your artistic expression. Drawing is all about seeing the world around you with new appreciation for the wonder and detail right at the end of our pencils! More details about the instructor and focus of the class coming soon!

Rates & Registration

Comprehensive Rate

Comprehensive rates below include conference fee of $295, room in Assembly Inn (Sunday through Thursday nights), meals in the Galax Dining Room (Sunday supper through Friday breakfast), plus a $5 community services fee per adult for public services provided by the Town and the fire district. Materials fee will be added manually by the registrar before charging your credit card. Rooms are assigned on a first come, first served basis. After August 10, rates will increase by $25. Room check-in AFTER 3:00 pm on Sunday. Room check-out BEFORE 11:00 am on Friday. 

Assembly Inn
Single Occupancy
Private Bath
Double Occupancy
Private Bath
$762 per person ($1,524 total)
Single Occupancy
Shared Bath
Double Occupancy
Shared Bath
$724.50 per person ($1,449 total) 
Single Occupancy
Shared Bath
Single Occupancy
Shared Bath
$624.50 per person ($1249 total) 

*Winsborough is modest housing. There are limited rooms with private baths. Most are rooms with shared baths. 

Commuter Rate

Rates below include a conference fee of $295, plus a $5 community services fee per person for public services provided by the Town and the fire district. Materials fee will be added manually by the registrar before charging your credit card. Commuter rate does not include lodging or meals.

On or before August 10: $295 per person
After August 10: $325 per person

Commuter Lunch Package*

The option of adding lunches to your commuter reservation is available. Lunch will be served Monday through Thursday. The cost of adding lunches to your reservation is $52. If you would like to include lunches in your reservation, please note that in the comment field when you make your reservation. Our registrar will manually add those to your reservation and charge your card an additional $52.

The deadline to make these reservations is Friday, September 5th.

If you have already registered and would like to add lunches, please email our registrar at justinkp@montreat.org

*Please note that you are only able to purchase the full lunch package for the week.

Check-in/Check-out for Housing
  • Housing Check-in: Sunday, September 21, 2025 AFTER 3:00 pm
  • Housing Check-out: Friday, September 26, 2025 BEFORE 11:00 am

Scholarships are available for this conference. The General Scholarship Fund is available to anyone with financial need and, in most cases, covers program fees related to conferences.  The J. Randolph Taylor Fellows Program provides financial and lodging assistance to pastors, missionaries, seminary students, and other church professionals who are seeking rest and renewal through programs at the Conference Center. Contact Ann Laird Jones if you have questions.

Contact the Conference Director

If you have any questions about the conference or classes, please email the conference director at Annlairdj55@gmail.com or call 662.347.3614.

Contact the Registrar

If you have any questions about the registration process, please email the registrar at justinkp@montreat.org.


2025 Fall Craft Week Schedule*

Sunday, September 21, 2025
3:30–5:30 pm Registration & Check-in (room check-in at 3pm), Assembly Inn
5:30–6:30 pm Dinner, Galax Dining Room
6:30 pm Conference Opening Gathering, Convocation Hall
7:15-9:00 pm BLOCK ONE, Classrooms (sites listed below)
Monday, September 22, 2025
6:30 am Sunrise Yoga, Assembly Inn Lobby
7:00 am Early Morning Prayer, Assembly Inn Warton Porch (Outside)
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast, Galax Dining Room
9:00 am–12:00 pm BLOCK TWO, Classrooms
12:15–1:15 pm Lunch, Galax Dining Room
2:00–5:00 pm BLOCK THREE, Classrooms
5:30–6:30 pm Dinner, Galax Dining Room
6:45 pm Evening Devotions, Lower Left Bank
7:00 pm "Arts to Change the World," Convocation Hall
Tuesday, September 23, 2025
6:30 am Sunrise Yoga, Assembly Inn Lobby
7:00 am Early Morning Prayer, Assembly Inn Warton Porch (Outside)
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast, Galax Dining Room
9:00 am–12:00 pm BLOCK FOUR, Classrooms
12:15–1:15 pm Lunch
2:00–5:00 pm BLOCK FIVE, Classrooms
5:30–6:30 pm Dinner, Galax Dining Room
6:45 pm Evening Devotions, Lower Left Bank
Wednesday, September 24, 2025
6:30 am Sunrise Yoga, Assembly Inn Lobby
7:00 am Early Morning Prayer, Assembly Inn Warton Porch (Outside)
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast, Galax Dining Room
9:00 am–12:00 pm BLOCK SIX, Classrooms
12:15–1:15 pm Lunch, Galax Dining Room
2:00–5:00 pm BLOCK SEVEN, Classrooms
5:30–6:30 pm Dinner, Galax Dining Room
6:45 pm Sunset Evening Prayer, Assembly Inn Warton Porch (Outside)
7:30 pm Coffee House and Open Mic, Convocation Hall
Thursday, September 25, 2025
6:30 am Sunrise Yoga, Assembly Inn Lobby
7:00 am Early Morning Prayer, Assembly Inn Warton Porch (Outside)
7:30-8:30 am Breakfast, Galax Dining Room
9:00 am–12:00 pm BLOCK EIGHT, Classrooms
12:15–1:15 pm Lunch, Galax Dining Room
2:00–5:00 pm BLOCK NINE, Classrooms
5:30–6:30 pm Dinner, Galax Dining Room
6:45 pm Evening Devotions, Lower Left Bank
7:30-8:30 pm Closing Gathering and Final Bids for Silent Auction, Convocation Hall
Friday, September 26, 2025
6:30 am Sunrise Yoga, Assembly Inn Lobby
7:00 am Early Morning Prayer, Assembly Inn Wharton Porch (Outside)
7:30–8:30 am Breakfast
11:00 am Check-out
1:00pm Pick up pottery, Journey Home!

*Schedule is tentative and subject to change

Coffee is available for purchase at the Huckleberry Café located on the top floor of Moore Center. Hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 8:00am-3:00pm. Childcare is not provided during this event.

Refund Policy*

Cancellations must be received by August 10 in order to receive a full refund less a $25 service charge. Cancellations received after August 10, but on or before September 8 will receive a 50% refund of the conference fee and payments made toward room and meal charges (if applicable), less $40. No refunds will be issued after September 7. All requests must be made in writing and received via email, fax, or U.S. mail.

*Materials fees are nonrefundable if cancelling within two weeks of the conference. 

Main Phone Number

Physical Address

401 Assembly Drive
Montreat, NC 28757

Mailing Address

Montreat Conference Center
PO Box 969
Montreat, NC 28757

Business Office

Montreat Conference Center
318 Georgia Terrace
Montreat, NC 28757

Business Hours:
Monday–Friday, 8:30 am–4:30 pm

The Montreat Store

Phone: 828.669.5298

Moore Center, Second Floor
303 Lookout Road
Montreat, NC 28757

Normal Store Hours:
Monday–Saturday, 10:00 am–5:00 pm

The Huckleberry Cafe

Phone: 828.419.9880

Moore Center, Third Floor
303 Lookout Road
Montreat, NC 28757

Normal Cafe Hours:
Tuesday–Friday 8:00 am–3:00 pm
Saturday, 8:00 am–6:00 pm

© 2025 Mountain Retreat Associaiton, dba Montreat Conference Center