We want to thank you for your legacy gift, but we may not know who you are!
Often legacy gifts are designated legally, but the intended receiving charitable organization is not informed. The conference center’s development office may not have a record of your intention to include Montreat Conference Center in your Will.
If you are not sure that we know of your legacy gift intention, please email
Julie Lehman at juliel@montreat.org
"Your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supporting the needs of the Lord's people, but is also overflowing in many expressions thanks to God." - 2nd Corinthians 9: 11b-12
A Legacy Gift is more than a donation; it's a way to leave a lasting impact on the world. It supports the things that bring you joy now so that those who come after you can experience the same joy.
If Montreat Conference Center is a source of joy for you and your family, consider building a family legacy here by naming Montreat in your will or estate plan.
Family legacies can build a culture of generosity that unites the generations around a shared identity and common values. Montreat's Firefly Society celebrates those who have made commitments that will leave a lasting impact on the conference center.
Montreat's Firefly Society recognizes and celebrates donors who support its ministry through one ore more of the following ways:
- Current or deferred gift of $10,000+ to a Montreat endowment
- Lifetime giving of $100,000+
- Naming Montreat in your will or estate plan through an IRA (tax-free), a donor advised fund, a charitable remainder trust, or through a life insurance policy.
If you've already included Montreat as a beneficiary, please let us know. We would like to welcome you to the Firefly Society. Legacy gifts are not legally binding, and you do not need to share specific details unless you are comfortable doing so. We respect any desire to remain anonymous.
The Most Common Ways to Leave a Legacy
- Charitable Bequest - After providing for your loved ones in your Will, you can designate a specific amount or a percentage of your estate to Montreat Conference Center. Since it is a qualifying 501(c)(3), such a gift may also reduce your estate tax.*
- Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) - You can name Montreat Conference Center as a beneficiary of a percentage of the remaining fund balance at your death.*
- Appreciating Assets - Non-cash assets that increase in value over time. Examples include securities (stocks, mutual funds, bonds), CDs retirement accounts, some real property, and assets paid upon death. Gifts of appreciated securities are tax-except to the extent allowed by law.*
- Retirement Plan - You can name Montreat Conference Center as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(K), or other retirement plans while reserving more favorably taxed assets for your heirs. You can request a beneficiary designation form from the plan administrator.*
- Life Insurance - You can turn a life insurance policy into a significant contribution by naming Montreat Conference Center as a beneficiary.*
- Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) - If you have built a sizable estate, making a legacy gift through a CRT may enable you to give more than you thought possible. You could maximize the charitable impact of your resources while also providing tangible financial benefits for you and your family. You may also see savings in income and capital gains tax.*
*Please note that we cannot provide legal, tax, or financial advice. We recommend you contact your attorneys or other professional advisors when considering changes to your estate plan.