We hope you enjoy the resources below and find ways to celebrate with family and friends during the holiday season. Many friends of Montreat lent their time and talents to help create this year’s collection. In addition to the names listed throughout, much appreciation to Sydney Ford and Lauren Mathews from our Marketing department, Heather Scott from our Programs department and Emma Goldrick and Martha Todd Sloan from our Development office, all of whom worked behind the scenes to bring this collection to life. Finally, each and every one of us at Montreat Conference Center wishes you and yours a Blessed Christmas and a Joyous New Year!
Partridge in a Pear Tree
On this day we wanted to celebrate the work of our amazing Maintenance department and hospitality staff, who decorate Montreat so beautifully each year for the holiday season.

Two Turtle Doves
On day two we celebrate and thank Montreat’s Two Turtle Doves, President of Montreat Conference Center, Richard DuBose, and his wife Jeannie for their love and dedication to Montreat. Enjoy this Christmas Card from their home to yours. These scriptures were chosen because the Turtle Doves in the carol are thought to represent the union of the Old and New Testaments and doves are symbols of peace. To read more about the presence and symbolism of Turtle Doves in the Bible, read this short family devotional.

Three French Hens
Thanks to our Director of Food Service, Jen Smith, for providing this recipe which relies on the inclusion of eggs. French hens not required!
Four Calling Birds
Thank you to Sarah Peters, a familiar face around Montreat after many summers on staff at the Curry Craft Center, for sharing these crafts. We are grateful for all the part-time and temporary staff, like Sarah, who dedicate themselves to our ministry and mission by sharing their considerable gifts with us all.
Five Gold Rings
Today, for Five Gold Rings, we hope you will consider making an end-of-year gift to the Montreat Fund, which supports every aspect of our mission and ministry through collective, unrestricted funding. Make a gift at montreat.org/givenow.
In addition, Sarah Peters has shared more crafts!
Six Geese a-Laying
Coloring sheets! Joseph Matthews from our Marketing team has done it again by creating one-of-a-kind Montreat-themed coloring. While there may not be Six Geese A-Laying, there are six birds adorning the tree in the Assembly Inn lobby. Have fun adding more decorations, lots of possibilities for adding your own creations!
Seven Swans a-Swimming
The number seven appears frequently in the Bible and the Program Department shares a group activity incorporating this Biblically significant number.
Eight Maids a-Milking
Another recipe from Assembly Inn’s Kitchen! Enjoy these warmly spiced cookies with a big glass of milk.
Nine Ladies Dancing
For many folks, the Bannerman name has become synonymous with Barn dances and recreation. A big thank you to Beth Bannerman Gunn and Lee Ann Bannerman for sharing this novelty dance you can easily do with family and friends of all ages. Put on some jazzy Christmas tunes and imagine yourself bopping around in the Barn!
Ten Lords a-Leaping
Another fun and active contribution from the Bannerman sisters, read the instructions for how to play the game “Rock Paper Scissors, Showdown!” and watch the video of our staff giggling their way through a game.
Eleven Pipers Piping
The Tarnished Brass is a fan favorite for many Montreat lovers. We are so pleased to share some Christmas music performed by the Brass for this day. Much appreciation to Bob Cumming, Rusty Frank, Jim Henderson, Eric Nichols, and Perrin Wright for this festive installment.
Twelve Drummers Drumming
We close out our 12 Days of Montreat featuring Eric Wall. Eric is another familiar face in Montreat, having served as the summer music director of the conference center for many years. In keeping with the Twelve Drummers Drumming featured on this day, Eric has included hymns that showcase drums along with other favorites. Mix up some cocoa and spend a little time with Eric as you enjoy these hymns and carols recorded from Anderson Auditorium and the lobby of Assembly Inn.