The Spiritual Wisdom of Trees explores the ancient spiritual and ecological wisdom that trees offer for living into deep connections with our human and nonhuman kin, Earth, and Divine Mystery. Trees, our elders who have graced Earth far longer than the human family, beckon us to wisdom, beauty, and peace.
In this course, we will explore lessons from our tree elders, including:
- Living in the light, dark, and in-between times
- The importance of living in collaborative community
- Bearing witness to and accepting loss
- How to survive and thrive during challenging times
- Opening to resilience, renewal, and gratitude
- Finding healing and hope
During our days together, we’ll engage in rich conversations in plenary sessions and small groups, take time for spacious silence and reflection with the trees, and listen for their wisdom on this beautiful land. Practices that encourage spiritual deepening through connections with the living world will be introduced throughout the course.
Additional Information:
Required Reading:
- The Hidden Lives of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate (Peter Wohlleben, Greystone Books 2015)
- Inside Out: Practices for Going Deeper in Nature (Beth Norcross, The Center for Spirituality in Nature 2018)
Everyone is welcome to attend this event. If you are taking this course for enrichment, we invite you to fully participate in all aspects of the event. We also invite you to write reflection papers. The post-event reflection paper is required for credit towards the Certificate in Spiritual Formation.
Program Fee: $450.00
Housing & Meals: Information about housing and meals below.