While Montreat Youth Conference offers many structured events and recreation opportunities, you will occasionally find yourself with a moment of free time and will be eager to find a way to spend it. In this article, we have collected some of our favorite ways to spend your time in Montreat and beyond.
Montreat@Home – Outer Banks Presbyterian Youth
How the Outer Banks Presbyterian youth group created their own Montreat Youth Conference experience with the Montreat@Home program.
Love Led Me to Montreat
For two amazing weeks, I had the joy of serving as a small group leader for Montreat Youth Conference 2019: Let Love Lead… My biggest regret? Why did I wait so long?!?… Read more.
This is Like, a Bob Ross Painting
“This is like, a Bob Ross painting,” says SK through deep breaths. A group of us are on Lookout Rock in Montreat for sunrise, and it’s becoming more worth the 5:30 a.m. departure as… Read more.
Thank you, the MYAEs
The rhododendrons have bloomed, preparations for summer are in full swing and the MYAEs have completed their time with Montreat. From their orientation to their final potluck party, the MYAEs want to share…
A Day In The Work Life Of An MYAE
One of the most incredible parts about the MYAE experience working in each department is… Read more to find out!
What to do in Montreat as an MYAE
Now in their seventh month in the valley, the MYAEs share their favorite memories, places, and much more that they’ve experienced in Montreat.
Youth Conference: Parker’s Life-changing and Life-giving Experience
Re-posted with permission from Parker Cutler and Saint Luke’s Presbyterian Church. Do you have a great Montreat story to share? Send a message to joshr[at]montreat.org. It’s hard to put into words everything that Montreat has meant to me over the past four years. Most of my time in high school has involved Montreat in one way or another and I can’t imagine who I’d be without it. Anyone who has been there will tell you that it’s a “thin place:” a place where heaven and earth are just a little bit closer together. That much was obvious to me the instant …
Make The Most of Your MYC
One of the great pleasures of my job at Montreat is getting to work with all kinds of great people and helping them to have a fulfilling time. I am constantly in search of helpful hints and ideas to share with folks heading our way. As this summer is gearing up, I find myself asking the question: What are ways that groups can make the most of their visit to Montreat? What information might be helpful for folks as they come through the ‘gate’- whether it is the first time or the thirtieth. During a recent visit to Bellevue Presbyterian Church …