The Marilyn Jones Endowment has been established to honor and appreciate the 53-year leadership role that Marilyn Jones played in Montreat Conference Center from 1965 through 2018. In the 60’s she brought banners into worship in the auditorium. In 1974 she reopened the Craft Shop at Montreat, with a pottery called the “Upper Story,” later renamed and dedicated “Sally Jones Pottery.” This ministry continues today, celebrating her commitment to the ministry of arts and crafts in Montreat.
The purpose of the Marilyn Jones Endowment is in support of the creative use of the arts in Montreat’s summer programs, in hopes of promoting the use of arts ministries in churches and communities. The Marilyn Jones Endowment provides funding for the summer staff at Sally Jones Pottery.
Said Marilyn’s family: “We are deeply grateful to the Board of the Mountain Retreat Association for establishing the Marilyn Jones Endowment, and to the many Montreaters who continue to give financial support which honors our beloved mother/grandmother/ friend, and which ensures the on-going Montreat priority for the continuation of arts ministry in Montreat. We, the next generations of Marilyn’s family, continue our family’s long-time commitment to the celebration of the arts at Montreat Conference Center!”
For more information about contributing to this fund, please email the Office of Development.