Some years ago, a wise decision was made to move the beginning of the Montreat Conference Center’s fiscal year to May 1st. The reasoning: The experience of the first four months of the fiscal year – May to August – would inform spending and fundraising practices for the remainder and increase the likelihood of finishing with a balanced budget on April 30th. Over two decades since, some things have changed, and some things haven’t. Philanthropy and a renovated Assembly Inn have contributed to more budget growth and stability, and the conference center is less dependent on summer revenues than it once was. Labor Day, however, remains a wonderful milepost for assessing the current year and the conference center’s operations. Here are some of the topics that will be included in my update to our board members in September.
Financial Update on Current Operations: Through August, the conference center has modestly outperformed budgeted expectations thanks to better-than-expected results from the conference season. Youth and Middle School conference numbers rose slightly, The Huck has contributed better performance than expected, and the Montreat Fund is off to a good start, among other factors.
Demand for Summer Programs: Even more importantly, surveys and other feedback indicate that our conferences were well received, and the high demand for Clubs, arts, and recreation facilities suggest satisfaction for participants in those aspects of our mission as well.
There is some evidence that demand for summer Clubs and recreation programs has increased post-Covid. In particular, Clubs enrollment filled quickly in several age groups during the busy weeks of late June and early July, and space remained tight for the remainder of the season. If such demand becomes a trend rather than an outlier, this presents a problem for the conference center and our community. Our first step this fall is to diagnose the scale of the challenge. We’ll review the summer’s data and compare it to past summers. We’ll examine the spaces we use and see if we can find more capacity. We’ll also study the structure of the program and staffing models to determine whether better organization might offer opportunities to accommodate more children.
Our missional charge is to provide a safe and enjoyable Clubs experience for all enrolled, yet Clubs is intended to be invitational rather than exclusive. Stay tuned.
Lake Susan Renovation: The upcoming dredging and renovation of our Lake Susan campus is on course for completion, with most of the work to be completed this fall. Last week, the conference center was notified that all necessary permits have been granted and a request for proposals has been sent to a list of local contractors. We expect to receive those bids by mid-September and to begin work in October. For a few weeks, locals can expect the area to be a mess. Keep in mind that the project’s intent is to restore the lake’s scenic beauty and many functions as a host for wildlife and recreational activities, as a setting for community life, and as Montreat’s largest and most important facility for stormwater retention.
Lodge Case Before the North Carolina Court of Appeals: The conference center’s court case to restore the special use permit granted by the Town of Montreat for a new lodge on our property continues its way through the North Carolina Court of Appeals. Competing briefs were filed this summer, and the process now moves to focus on when our argument will proceed and which three judges (from a pool of 15) will hear our appeal. Once a court date is established and parties have received notice of a court date, oral arguments should proceed accordingly. I’ve been told that predicting the timing of these steps is somewhat akin to predicting the weather, and so I’ll refrain. We will keep you posted.
The Barn: Hopefully, you had an opportunity to experience and appreciate the newly renovated Barn this past summer. All of the improvements received praise, though the installation of new windows and sealing up the nooks and crannies around the building envelope brought one unintended side effect: At times this summer, inside temperatures rose to uncomfortable and seemingly unprecedented heights. Our goal this winter is to increase ventilation to alleviate the problem.
Strategic Planning: Amid our progress over the current year, we continue to collect data and work on a strategic plan that will guide our work over the next five years. As the report indicates, the conference center’s work will continue to evolve; we need to anticipate those needed changes as best we can, understand the opportunities that change represents, and preserve that which makes our work and this place so special. We’ve appreciated the ideas and input that we have received, and if you’d like to add your voice to the survey that is partially guiding our work, we’d love to hear from you.
Finally, we’re sending this column to all those who receive our This Week in Montreat information, and I’m planning on maintaining a monthly pace for the foreseeable future. If you would like to continue receiving these updates through the fall, winter, and spring, I invite you to sign up here.
Otherwise, I will do my best to keep you informed as we move through the next few months. Thank you for your continued engagement and love for Montreat – we are grateful!

Richard DuBose
President, Montreat Conference Center