During this distant and perhaps unfamiliar holiday season, we wanted to find a way to bring the joy of a Christmas in the mountains directly into your home. We invited every department at Montreat with contributing a piece to what we’re calling Montreat’s 2020 Christmas Collection. We will be releasing parts of the collection on our social media over the next two weeks but feel free to bookmark this page and refer back to the collection below as you celebrate the holiday season!
1. Recipes from Assembly Inn – click the image to see it full size in a new tab

2. Christmas Hymn Sing and Organ Concert courtesy of Eric Wall
Hymn Sing – 17:12
Hymn Sing pdf – hymns 110, 120, and 107 from the Glory to God hymnal
Organ Concert – 15:52
3. Christmas Devotional
Grab a candle or a few for the family and as you sit down to eat a meal this Christmas season we invite you to reflect, read, sing, and pray.

4. Christmas Ornament Craft
From the program department, three crafts for three different age levels, creating Chrismons or symbols of Christ that can be used as ornaments.
5. Christmas Coloring Pages