As we prepare for the coming summer, I offer the following statement to remind all who love Montreat of the MRA’s continuing commitment to become more hospitable to all of its guests and conferees. Richard DuBose, President, Mountain Retreat Association “And he said to them, ‘Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.’” (Matthew 13:52) This passage suggests that Christian community has a treasure, a gift of God that contains both what is old and what is new. We …
Montreat Conference Center Remembers Rev. Billy Graham
We are deeply grateful for the Reverend Billy Graham and his life in ministry, which stands as a testament to the power of Christ, evangelized honestly and authentically by a man so gifted for that purpose. To millions, Reverend Graham was the world’s most famous and influential Christian leader. Montreat, however, was home; he and wife Ruth chose this valley to raise their family and to rest and retreat from the rigors of their very public lives. Here in the valley, on those occasions that he ventured into town, Reverend Graham’s reputation as a neighbor of humility and warmth had …
All Are Welcome Here: A Few Things To Know About Montreat Conference Center
Montreat Conference Center hosts over 30,000 guests in Montreat each year. We are fond of saying “All are welcome here.” Below is an FAQ that helps to explain the commonalities, distinctions, and differences of the three largest institutions that inhabit the Montreat valley. As Montreat Conference Center, we continue to strive to demonstrate intentional hospitality to all who enter the Montreat gate and to be good neighbors to everyone in the valley. 1. Okay, first things first. Who are you? We are the Montreat Conference Center. You may sometimes hear of us as the “Mountain Retreat Association,” our corporate/legal name …
Montreat to Provide Staging Area and Housing for WNC Firefighters
Montreat Conference Center is working with the North Carolina Forestry Service to provide a staging area and housing for approximately 47 firefighters who have been dispatched to Western North Carolina during this extremely dry period. The crews will be here for a 14-day rotation, beginning Saturday, November 5. You will likely notice Forestry Service equipment and personnel in Montreat throughout this period. As a reminder, there is a burn ban in effect for Buncombe County. If you see a fire, please call 911. We will keep you updated as relevant information becomes available.
My Year as a Mission Volunteer
It’s difficult for me to sum up my 8 months as a Mission Volunteer here at Montreat. In the moment, the time felt so long, but looking back now it seems like a whirlwind. It’s funny how time does that to us, but it really was both of those things. In the time that felt long there was space: space to discern, space to daydream about what my life could be, space to work with people who encouraged me to be creative and independent. In the whirlwind time there was driving the Blue Ridge Parkway before the sunrise, going to …
Resource Suggestions for the DisGrace Conference
As we prepare for the DisGRACE conference in October, we prepare for tough conversations; conversations which are multi-faceted, dynamic, and require critical thought from open minds. These conversations though don’t just start with the conference, they start long before. Laura Cheifetz is vice president of church and public relations for the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation. She serves on our master planning team for DisGRACE and has recently published a series of resources about the issues DisGRACE will address and other topics that surround that conversation.
All are welcome here.
As you may have heard, on Wednesday the “Public Facilities and Private Security Act” was passed and signed into state law. The Montreat Conference Center is a private Christian institution that strives to demonstrate intentional hospitality to all. As a key part of that commitment, we will not tolerate on our campus discrimination against any child of God, including discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. We will continue to invite our conferees, guests, and visitors to use the restrooms in which they feel most comfortable. Personally, I am dismayed that making such a statement is even …
Fall Into Montreat
Montreat Conference Center has been buzzing with life since the start of summer, and we don’t plan to slow down as we enter fall. Montreat Youth Conferences have come to a close, and now begins the season of private retreats and adult conferences. Churches, interest groups, non-profits, corporations, and family reunions from across the nation will gather at Montreat Conference Center for their very own, customized Montreat experience. It is no wonder why we host so many groups from September to November: fall in Montreat is truly remarkable. As you can imagine, fall and spring weekends are usually our busiest …
Youth Conference: Parker’s Life-changing and Life-giving Experience
Re-posted with permission from Parker Cutler and Saint Luke’s Presbyterian Church. Do you have a great Montreat story to share? Send a message to joshr[at] It’s hard to put into words everything that Montreat has meant to me over the past four years. Most of my time in high school has involved Montreat in one way or another and I can’t imagine who I’d be without it. Anyone who has been there will tell you that it’s a “thin place:” a place where heaven and earth are just a little bit closer together. That much was obvious to me the instant …
Make The Most of Your MYC
One of the great pleasures of my job at Montreat is getting to work with all kinds of great people and helping them to have a fulfilling time. I am constantly in search of helpful hints and ideas to share with folks heading our way. As this summer is gearing up, I find myself asking the question: What are ways that groups can make the most of their visit to Montreat? What information might be helpful for folks as they come through the ‘gate’- whether it is the first time or the thirtieth. During a recent visit to Bellevue Presbyterian Church …